The Nature's Co. and Lemongrass Massage Oil

Hello People ,

We all are stressed out now a days due to living in Time Poor society and are overwhelmed by pace and pressure of our busy lives but does that mean we should keep on neglecting our health ?? I understand in today's era after working for almost 12 hours a day , we are hardly left with anymore enthusiasm for other activities. But I believe with this busy lifestyle , lack of physical fitness has also  lead us to this position where in our mind and body have become habitual of labour less work and as a result we are becoming slaves of laziness .

So how should we get ourselves back to active mode ? What shall we do to  keep our mind active all the time . I guess to answer this question finally we have products like massage oil and body oils. Which are not a substitute of physical fitness at all ,however are solely responsible to awake our mind and to facilitate relaxation which as a living being we are loosing with each passing day .

Now after reading this many of you must be wandering how a simple oil can do such acts of expertise ? Or do these oils really do what they say ? To answer this let's first get our-self familiar with these two terms aka massage oil and body oil.

As both Body oil and massage oil has oil associated with them , that doesn't mean these can be used in place of each other.both these oils are made for different purposes and provide distinct benefits to the body.

Body oil is designed to make skin smooth and silky . it contains rich plant oil that quickly gets absorbed into damp skin and leaves a nice aroma later-on. However this oil can also be poured in bath for a relaxing experience . where as if we talk about Massage oil than this oil has a thicker  consistency which can get glided on the skin that solely helps in loosing the tension from our body.

So now you are aware of the basic difference between the two.We can now go ahead and decide which one of the two is most suitable one in terms of mind rejuvenation and body relaxation. And as a result today on this post I am about to reveal my first ever experience of massage oil , which is again from a Natural brand whose Products not only left me impressed but made me to try one for self too.None other than " The Nature's Co. "

About the Brand

I came across this Brand way back 2010 and since then our bond has become stronger and my belief in Our mother nature has risen up to great extent.

At the Nature’s Co, "Nature is considered a way of life and a strict adherence to the ‘all natural’ way is followed . All the products contains the natural ingredients that are against animal cruelty, vegan and of best quality from across the globe. At Nature's Co Age old, traditional natural remedies have been meticulously sourced and recreated in convenient, modern forms that are practical, hassle free and innovative. It is believed that The secret to good health and beauty lies in pure nature, and this belief  has prompted The Nature’s Co. to explore the five purest forms of nature, which are the elements of air, sun, forest, earth and water".

This exploration has led The Nature's Co. Team to the creation of five distinct product ranges Atmospure, Starrize, Foressence, Earthborne and Aquaspark and each of this range consists a variety of products .
Each range at The Nature's Co. embodies the goodness and appeal of the element that inspired it.

Product in Focus 

Today the Product I am going to share my Views upon is from The Nature's Co.'s Foressence  Range.
Name of the Product is "The Nature's Co Lemongrass Massage Oil"

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

What Brand has to Say " To get Beautiful , glowing skin , just knead it in. Lemongrass oil, with its excellent antiseptic properties cleans and purifies the skin. It helps soothing sore and painful muscles while its fresh and vibrant smell helps revitalize a tired body and mind "

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Ingredients :-

Each 100g contains :- 
Lemongress - 3% , Sesame Oil - 5 % , Sweet Almond Oil - 5 % , Vitamin - E - 0.5 % , Jojoba Oil - 2% , Oil base , Aroma and Natural Preservatives .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Suitable for :- All Skin Types 

Directions to use :- Apply a few drops onto your hands and gently massage all over the body in a                                    circular motion.

Price and Quantity :- 100 ML (3.4fl. Oz) for Rs. 645/-

Available at :- Click Here

My Experience 

As stated earlier , after understanding benefits of Massage oil , I was keen to try one and finally my search for the one ended at The Nature's Co. Their online shop has a huge number of products that allows even a beginner tremendous amount of information and clarifies prevailing doubts around it . Hence after coming across their profound range of massage oils , I finally ordered for Lemon grass massage oil from their Foressence Range .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

This lemongrass massage oil comes in a sealed translucent plastic bottle with a cap .Best part about this Bottle is, it is 100% vegan and recyclable . which means The Nature's Co not only promises genuine and natural products but also encourages eco friendly packaging as well . kudos to their commitment for Nature here.

Coming back to Bottle packaging , on tearing the outer seal , and removing the outer cap , you will confront one more nozzle cap that keeps dispenser safe I believe.
In short Over all packaging wise The Nature's Co. Deserves 5/5 due to its perfect packaging .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

And now let me walk you through this lemon grass massage oil . This oil is a translucent oil with lightest ton of yellow color in it. It has a runny consistency which makes it ideal for massage purpose.

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

As you can see, when I poured a small proportion of it on the back of my hand , it couldn't stay for long and immediately started spreading .
On its immediate dispense you won't come across any fragrance , but once you start doing massage or even circular movements , you would start noticing very mild fragrance of lemon's skin that lingers for sometime around it but vanishes soon. The best part about this oil is , it is very light in texture and absorbs well into the skin provided if massage is done properly. I personally fell for  its non-sticky and non- greasy formulation generally I don't like any sort of oil but this one just made to my priority list.

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

And now if we talk about after massage experience than I would like to share that this oil is a great source of relaxation . It do provide rejuvenation to certain extent and excels in everything it claims.

To conclude if you are looking for an escape From tiredness , wish to achieve a healthy body and mind from within that too at convenience of your home than this product is for you.It is worth a try that  you wont regret committing. Overall I would rate this 4.9/5 as it is One of the best Product of The Nature's Co. Awaiting for you :) 


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