" Airtel 4G "Revolution Has Just Begun with India's Fastest Network Ever

Hello my lovely People ,

Enjoying Monsoons to it's Fullest ?
However Monsoon's to many people has different meanings . For some it's the perfect time to Roam around and explore Nature's Beauty , but for some it is one of the most troublesome phase , where in either one gets stuck or feels helpless to complete any urgent work . I believe for working professionals this Monsoon creates a chaos. No matter how well you are prepared for your presentation , just one rain and your entire hard work of presentation goes to dustbin Thanks to this coolest weather. So now what needs to be done ? Either you can crib for sitting forcefully at your home due to sudden rain or you can enjoy this phase of  idleness by playing games or coming closer to your pals via network .

I believe the situation I just paraphrased above truly matches with our Cell phones , isn't ? When ever we have some urgency at that vary moments , either phone  networks goes to vacation and stop working or works so slow, which dries our urge to complete that task .:P . I have seen people who suffers daily due to  network's Tantrums .When one doesn't expect any calls than this network works like cake walk and on the other hand at the time when people have to dial a number , this buddy starts acting like a superstar and as a result forces people emotionally to throw their cell phones to dustbin sometimes :P

But Now Thanks to Airtel4G network , People around the country don't have to suffer any more. With Network outreach to 296 cities , Airtel4G has it's strongest spread ever .I am personally one of the Airtel's Loyalist consumer who is using their services since 2002 ( No please!!! I am not that old :P my Dad bought his first cell phone with airtel connection , and we are continuing that number till now ) . And trust me fellas During these years many networks raised and failed but airtel being one of the strongly founded network provider who didn't let its customers down even for a day . Their Network services has been one of strongest so far and no matter which part of country you are in, you will come across Airtel 's world class services each time at each place .

With time every aspect of life has changed , Earlier life was slow. I still remember how we used to wait for Sunday 12 PM to watch Mahabharata on Doordarshan and see today you can now watch that Same thing on your cell phones without waiting for a week :P . I mean traditionally it won't be wrong if I say that as a human we have become more faster and we expect faster things . Gone are the days when for downloading a video we had to keep our phone aside , But today with Airtel4G this takes only few minutes .

I believe Airtel being Heart of its consumer understands people's expectations and this is the reason it came up with this blessing of Aitel 4G in the disguise of troublesome networks . and the best part is , One would be able to enjoy Airtel4G services at the price of Airtel 3G Isin't Great Guys ???

All you need is a Airtel4G enabled Phone and Airtel4G Sim to experience fastest network services which would make your life even more easier , and  as a result one thing less to be tensed about in our daily life :P

I feel privilege to be part of Airtel family and now welcoming my Newborn Airtel family number whose name is "Airtel4G Network". After Father 2G and Mother 3G ,son 4G is defiantly going to take up family legacy ahead :)

Gone are the days when we used 2G , where even for downloading a picture we had to think twice , Today with Airtel 4G all these memories will rest in peace now .
So why are you refraining your self ? Get yourself Airtel4G connection from our beloved Airtel and feel the difference . Still worrying ??
Worry not , You don't have to stand in long queues to get yourself an Airtel4G Sim .Getting an Airtel 4G SIM is just a tweet away .

All you have to do is type #GetAirtel4G and tweet it to @AirtelIndia . Within 4 Hours you would be getting a link from @AirtelIndia where in you need to insert your contact details , And pheww!!! You can take a deep breath as rest would be taken care by Beloved Airtel Team , who will deliver Airtel4G SIM to your place that too free of cost.

Views and reviews by RajVinder
Tweeted #GetAirtel4G @AirtelIndia 
Views and reviews by RajVinder
@AirtelIndia  Replied with a link
Views and Reviews By RajVinder
Link took me to contact details submission page 
Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

See so simple , Hence don't keep your self away from experiencing this superb world wide webful Soul of Airtel 4G and live your life break free .like our favourite TV shows whom we would love to enjoy commercial free :P .

Come on People , Grab your phones , you are just one tweet away from experiencing privileged services of Airtel 4G that too at convenience of your place :) 


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