Ovarian Cancer awareness session By Vôtre Bio Cosmetics

Hello My Readers ,

Views and Reviews by RajVinder Feels Honored by participating in this Social cause in the form of  This Write Up. Hence Invite you all in this initiative and ask you all to come together and join this noble cause of Ovarian Cancer awareness in association with Vôtre .

Did You Know.. Each year over 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer and 15,000 will die.
Did You know 70% of women diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer; Die within 5 years!
Did u also know Ovarian Cancer can affect a Woman of ANY AGE!

September is National Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month! And this is why  at VOTRE BIO-COSMETICS want every woman to know the facts about Ovarian Cancer!

It’s the 5th leading cause of Death among Women, and it’s deadliest among all gynaecological cancers!
There is currently no early detection test available for Ovarian Cancer; your pap test won’t find it! 

The signs are symptoms are subtle and not dissimilar from other abdominal or pelvic complaints. Most Women thus go UNDIAGNOSED or MISDIAGNOSED until the last stages of the disease!
That’s why it’s very important to know the Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer!

VOTRE is proud to initiate An Ovarian Cancer Awareness TEAL TEA PARTY  at Moonshine Cafe, New Delhi on 12th September, 4:00 pm As they are supporting the Fighters, Admiring the Survivors, Honouring the Taken, and never, ever giving up Hope!

So Guys , Come forward and join this cause of awareness on 5th September in New Delhi and spread the word around for betterment of the others .  


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