#My Sibling Rocks A Day to Sibling Love

Today on this platform let me walk you through a relation that has no boundaries and stays within our heart and soul forever. A relation which comprises qualities of both worlds .You might love it , you might hate it , even for once you would like to run away from it , But at the end you still cannot live without it. The relation I am talking about is of “Siblings”. Yes !! Siblings , I believe now many of you must have understood what I tried to portray earlier.

Siblings to me is a complicated relationship that has bits of everything ,like a great recipe of food ,  It has immense Love, handful  of Strife and a twist of competition, But if you study its roots in depth  ;than the only answer you would receive is “Forever Friends “. No matter how much you hate each other but you won’t let anyone to come within you two. That proves that Sibling is the only enemy you cannot live without :P . This is why i believe they say “Siblings are like Branches on a tree, they grow in different directions yet their root remains the one”.

Your sibling is the only person who knows your Past , is present in your presence and will always be in your future .This is why being blessed with many attributes it is one of the strongest relationship that becomes strong and mature with passage of time .Though having a Brother Sister relationship is still manageable I believe . But what if you are only sisters ? Or Only Brothers.. Ohh Boy now that is something only your parents can understand trust me :p

Hence giving thought to this ,  when I look back , now I can understand what my parents had went through while handling me and my sister .It is not at all easy to keep both the children happy with similar needs, If one chooses east , other one will definitely chooses west , and it becomes terribly horrible when both of their children’s are of same league :P  . Hence being blessed with similar league and having a sister makes me think that The Sisters as siblings is probably the most competitive relationship within the family , that makes families run during their childhood :P but once same sisters are grown , It becomes Strongest relationship that makes families Proud .Which applies to us of course today .

No !! No!! I am not doing a self publicity here, but this is what my mother believes in todayJ. Hence on this auspicious month of bond, where in we are about to celebrate Bond of Love with our siblings in the form of “RakshaBandhan” . I thought of recalling my memories associated with my Sibling. I have a sister who altogether  9 years elder than me but always reacts and acts like a toddler . At least this is something I believe  :P

If you see the pic below, the person in read yellow dress sitting next to My Granny’s Granny yeah ..Read it right Granny’s Granny :) is devil  of my life oops Sister of mine (Slip of tongue you know :P) . and the innocent toddler sitting ( I believe it is sitting position :p as you can’t expect a toddler to pose on his/her own back ;P ) is me RajVinder . You know guys , In this picture you all are viewing such an art of innocence and curtness isn’t ? But Reality is much more than what you are viewing.

While viewing this Picture My sister still recalls those beautiful moments , and shares some stories with so much wittiness that sometimes makes me take her life  :P trust me :P . As during childhood you can see, I had these cute chubby cheeks and you know what she used to do with me ?? ..

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Whenever I used to be in sleepy mode, or was busy is my own world :P ( yeah !! Right toddler world :P) . She used to pinch those chubby cheeks of mine and made me  cry like hell  ;( and than my mom used to come running to stop my crying … Can you believe … My real sister used to do this with me .. How rude …Hehe .But on the other way around if I have to see her real intentions.. It was her Love (which I am still not convinced though: P as it is sisterly matter ) .. But yes it was her way to shower her love and care upon me.  But I believe this one act hers is one of the sweetest memory that I could holdup for lifetime .

But this doesn’t mean I could spare her from doing this to me in childhood: P .. I was toddler at that time, but today I give her full competition. Now you guys, must be wandering and picturing me pulling and pinching her cheeks :P .. Forget it …LOL… its not like that.  I meant today I give her full competition when it comes to teasing her or sometimes indulging into messy verbal fights with her.. But at the end we still talk and walk ahead. She is one of my greatest enemy whom I love and hate at the same time …But cannot live without.  A day without talking or sometimes fighting with her seems incomplete. She is soul of my life , who completes me , who surrounds me and never lets anything harm me .

She is my Mentor, My Critic , My friend , My enemy moreover my Soul sister , Who I love the most and  sometimes I hate too , But still she is someone without whom my life is spice less  .No matter how busy I am or something that has kept me occupied whole day , My day becomes restless in absence of hearing her voice. She completes my life; She is a spice in my life without whom my life is tasteless. No matter for how long we have fought, a day never ends  without saying a bye with love or at least with a Slang that  wipes away all the traces of mild negativity.
Hence that is why in this auspicious month where world is about to celebrate Bond of Sibling love in the form of Rakshabandhan , I am going to break the stereotype by tying a thread of love in her hand and presenting  her a bundle of joy  from a brand aka  IndianGiftsPortal.com  .

What are you waiting for? Now it’s your turn to celebrate this day of loving bond and to create heartwarming moments of joy this Rakshabandhan with IndianGiftsPortal.com . This portal not only parcels  products but it wraps them with passion and love and presents them to your loved ones with same spirit of heartfelt wishes and joys like yours .Hence so let’s celebrate this day of Loving Bond and create memories of lifetime with the sprinkle of IndianGiftsPortal.com's Rakhi Special as #My SiblingRocks


  1. I grew up with 5 didters & 2 bros - we were quite a handful !
    Your cheeks are beyond adorable ♥
    Will be going thru IndianGiftsPortal.com


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