" Hungry Squirrel " One stop Destination for Healthy Snacks

When it comes to hunger , Either we end up getting starved or we end up eating something which is not supposed to be healthy at all . During childhood eating anything doesn't result in any adverse health issues as at the end being a child , with lots of energy in place , one burns calories instantly .But soon as we enter adulthood this same habit of eating anything results in weight gain or other related health issues .

Our offices and Time poor living makes it even more tough to look-after ourselves and as a result causes health issues which are not even meant to deal with at our present age . Recently I read somewhere that Snacking plays an important role in terms of health . Healthy Snacking curbs cravings , fights weight gain , regulates mood , boosts brain power and most importantly gives an individual the energy to keep working all day long without getting or feeling tiredness . After realizing this , I felt really bad about self and thought what I was doing with self . Being a big time foodie , It is very difficult for me to leave all those things that I love the most but at the same time those are the things that has caused me health issues like weight gain and so .

But as they say " Better be late than Never " .Now I also decided to take my health very seriously and started looking for healthy snacking options . Being into job line made this task  more difficult though but Now this cannot be avoided at any cost .

Hence in search of my healthy diet , I realized how difficult it is going to be to find out a suitable snacking option  as Personally I don't like fruits so there was not even the slightest scope of them to be included in my snacks. But thanks to my dear Social media , My research finally paid off and soon I discovered a Brand that specializes in Snacking offerings and whose name is as innocent as a hungry baby.

The Snacking brand I am referring to is none other than "Hungry squirrel " . You know what guys, when for the first time I saw this brand and  it's logo, First reaction that came out was "Choooo Chweet " (I mean So sweet  , pardon my child accent pls :P) .This cute little Squirrel seemed to me like an innocent creature who is looking for food to feed self . Salute to the Brand for creating such a creative yet innocent logo . Now after getting self out from their cute logo let me just take you all through Brand itself .

About Hungry Squirrel 

Hungry Squirrel Team been in love with 'Health and Nutrition' for over a decade now! 

Hungry Squirrel is the brainchild of Rohan & Parul - fitness freaks, foodies and globe wanderers at heart. They believe in simple, honest and easy living, which emphasises on celebrating health, family, friends and food.  Hungry Squirrel is all about bringing the basics back to food and loving the energy derived from raw unprocessed ingredients.

Their story is simple. The Team at Hungry squirrel likes simple pleasure's in life! They love the stuff they sell and The team constantly ensures that the quality of our food that goes in consumer's mouth is worth putting their name on it! And that's a Big Deal for them!

They stay true to who they are and don't rely on fads and buzz words that keep changing the way people consume food. 

Product in Focus 

Hungry Squirrel is an Online Snack giant ,which offers healthy snacking options . I came across this Blissful beauty through social media ,since than I was trying to get my hands on it . And Finally with this platform I am given an opportunity to share my thoughts over it .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Hungry Squirrel at present offers a wide range of Trail Mixes and Nuts , which not only fulfills Snacking craving but at the same time provides quality nutritional properties which in today's time we rarely experience .I believe Superior and quality enriched Products  is the uniqueness of the brand that distinguishes them from its other counter parts .

Hungry Squirrel is Available at :-HungrySquirrel  

After catering adult population's hunger needs Hungry Squirrel has come up with these small cute Junior packs of Trail mixes for Kids that starts at Rs. 199/-

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Each pack has 160-180 calories with a healthy mix of Fats, Protein , carbs and Fiber with lower amount of added sugar .

This Combo contains 130 gms single serve packs of  each of the following mixes :-

- Berries & Sunshine: Almonds, Walnuts, Blueberries, Orange Peel and Raisins.
- Jumping Jacks: Almonds, Walnuts, Cashews, Dried Apples, Guava, Peaches and Raisins.
- Fruit Burst: Almonds, Cashews, Dried Apples, Black Grapes, Cranberry, Strawberry & Raisins.

These packs can be purchased from here :- HungrySquirrel Junior

My Experience 

As my snacking needs reached to it's destination at last , Here I present to you Trail mixes that I received from Hungry Squirrel and made me fell on my knees .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Hungry Squirrel Summer Pack Trail Mix

What Brand has to Say " Summer is prime time for picnics, outdoor parties, sports practices and more. Having a simple staple summer snack mix recipe keeps the kids happy and fueled for fun! 
We’ve broken down what it takes to create the best summer snack mix that will satisfy your kids’ taste and your health concerns in this summer trail mix.
We  put together this picnic-ready summer snack mix recipe that was well received and because of usual household food allergies, we chose ingredients that avoided wheat and dairy "

Views and Reviews By RajVinder


Dried Blueberries, Dried Cranberries, Roasted Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds.

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Price and Quantity :- Rs 129/- for 50 Gms and Rs. 400 for 250Gms.

Hungry Squirrel Raw Energy Trail Mix 

What Brand has to Say " Trail Mixes are meant to be eaten while hiking or doing another strenuous activity. It’s lightweight, portable, and full of energy-dense ingredients like dried fruit, nuts, and chocolate—perfect for trail-side noshing. For those same reasons, trail mix can pack a hefty package, especially when we mindlessly munch while sitting around at work or home.This is why it is suggested to Keep serving size to a quarter-cup or less to attain it's benefits rather than converting it into a full time food "

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Ingredients :-

Cashews, Pumpkin seeds, Melon Seeds, Raisins, Cranberries, Walnuts

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Price and Quantity ;- Rs .99/- for 50 Gms and Rs . 399/- for 250 Gms

Hungry Squirrel Power Booster Trail Mix

This Beauty from Hungry Squirrel is again one of those power packed snacks that would facilitate smooth healthy lifestyle , keeping all health issues at the bay. Infused with Dried apricot , roasted almonds and coconut shave , this beauty would turn on your boring snacking experience with a twist of flavours :)

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Ingredients :-

Dried Apricot, Walnuts, Dried Figs, Roasted Almonds, Flax seeds, Coconut Shavings

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Price and Quantity :- Rs .99/- for 50gms and Rs.399/- for 250 Gms.

Hungry Squirrel Nuts about Nuts Trail Mix

Nuts and Nuts from the house of Hungry Squirrel is one variant that I loved the most . Being blessed with Walnuts , almonds , cashews , peanuts , this one is going to be on top list of a Foodie like me . I can go on and on with it , But again needs to make sure that this On and On is considered in lesser proportions :P

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Ingredients :-

Almonds, Walnuts, Cashews, Salted Peanuts, Raisins.

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Price and Quantity :-  Rs. 99/- for 50gms and Rs.399/- for 250gms.

Hungry Squirrel Protein pack Trail Mix

"Eating protein reduces hunger " now this statement is something that would have attracted your eyeballs towards Hungry Squirrel's Protein Pack .Twist of Almonds and walnuts in to this pack makes it an ideal companion in one's health journey . Hence according to me this one is going to be personal favorite of all those gym enthusiast out there .

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Ingredients :-

Almonds , Walnuts , Flax seeds , chia seeds

 250 gms pack includes:

California Almonds- 75 gms (18 gms of Protein)Walnuts - 75 gms (15 gms of Protein)Chia Seeds - 50 gms (10 gms of Protein)Flax Seeds- 50 gms ( 10 gms of Protein)

Views and Reviews By RajVinder

Price and Quantity :- Rs. 129/- for 50 gms and Rs. 429/- for 250 gms 

To conclude There is no excuse for health ,So If you really wish to get healthy than you need to correct very first basic habit of yours ,which is intake of food . But worry not with Hungry Squirrel in place , you would be able to  correct it effortlessly with their versatile snacking options.that too without impacting your pocket or monthly budgets . At the same time , No!! No!! Don't worry it doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your taste buds for your health . With Hungry Squirrel Snacking options your taste buds would thank you for these delicious and mouthwatering flavours . So Don't wait any more for right time to start taking care of your health . It is now or never , Just head-over to Hungry Squirrel , Choose your favorite Snacking option and get ready to meet your life once again and start reliving yourself in healthy way .
 I would rate all these beyond ordinary yet Delicious snacks from Hungry Squirrel 5/5 . Now Rush to Hungry Squirrel to meet this adorable health squirrel who is waiting to hold your hand with love :)

Views and Reviews By RajVinder


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