Introducing Juvena Herbal's Orange Honey all purpose Massage Cream

Now a days I have strictly developed a habit of taking care of my skin . Being a career person and leading a busy lifestyle has taken my health through a toll .And now I have started realising how important it is to look and confident naturally rather then just application of makeup .

I Understand makeup has also its importance to a greater extent but it cannot be a substitute of Natural and healthy looking skin. Makeup makes one beautiful artificially and sometimes artificiality could be accepted However most of the times Natural health plays an important role and as a result irrespective of busy lifestyle it cannot be ignored.

This is the reason I opted for natural and herbal Products at present for my skin health as when in comes to skin Health in longer run , I can not trust any thing as it comes . I have tendency to do a proper research work before taking into consideration any new product . But he's I love to and I am also open to try new inventions for betterment of my skin altogether .
As I said I love to explore new ventures in terms of skin health . This tendency lead me to a stage where I came across a brand whose products are catering almost each segment of skin care , a Brand whose Products are inviting applause and accolades ..a Brand who believes in Herbal Methodology ...and a brand who claims to provide results with very first usage.

Here I introduce you all to " Juvena Herbals " . A brand who has heart for Herbal Methodology and serves its consumers with its wide range of Herbal products .

About the Brand

Promoters of juvenaherbals belong to a background rich in the knowledge of Ayurvedics, Herbalism, Advanced Cosmetology and physical fitness.

Juvena is built on a strong foundation of honesty, with a motto 'Beauty Naturals' meaning beauty from within and beauty through nature. With 23 yrs of experience in Beauty Treatments and slimming, Juvena has not only earned fame and popularity in complete North India but is also a talked-of name in other bi cities across the country. Our treatments are based on correct scientific concepts (physiology, anatomy, myology, lymphatic drainage and digestive system).
Since foundation we have believed in using India's rich Herbal Heritage and it has been our ndeavor to spread awareness amongst our clients about the basics of personal Beauty Care which includes above mentioned Biological systems vis-a-vis the resulting effects ( effectiveness) of our treatments and the beauty properties of our Beauty Products.

Today Juvena is a Brand with totally satisfied clientele of over 2 lacks, who proudly say " Juvena se achha koi nahi."Skin care is an ongoing process. Improvement in skin increases the level of your expectations also. So all depends on you......

You must be cleaning your house daily though its a non living thing. We are living organisms. Skin also is an excretory organ, which eliminates dirt through sweat. So to remain beautiful as well as healthy it is advisable to take care of your skin daily. With improvement and change in climates, care may vary.

These products are not just products but they are tr products and personality booster. Prepared with sheer honesty and highly result oriented. A balanced skin food prepared by using  India's rich herbal heritage.

Product in Focus

Today from Juvena Herbal's amazing collection I am going to talk about "Orange Honey all purpose Massage Cream " .

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

What Brand has to say " Juvena's Orange Honey all purpose cream is enriched with real Fruits and extracts of herbs ,essential oils of flowers and Honey. When gently massaged ,this skin food penetrates deep into the skin ,keeping it soft and silky. It gives a long lasting healthy flawless glow to skin , making one look younger every day ".

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

Ingredients :-

Rose 2% , Orange 1% , Aloe Vera 1%,Ashwagandha .5% , Papaya 1% , Tulsi .2% ,Shatpushpa 1.5%, Borax .5%, Glycerin 2%, Honey .5% , Sandal Oil .1% , Almond Oil .1% , Base q.s. to make 100%.

Method of use :-

After Cleansing , apply richly over face, neck and other areas . Dip your finger tips in milk or water and massage with little pressure until the cream is fully absorbed.

Price and Quantity :- Rs.250/- for 45 GM's Pack.

Available at :- Juvena Herbals

My Experience 

With Very first Usage of Juvena's Orange Honey all purpose Massage Cream, I got Results!!! Yes you read it right guys Results!!! This cream do wonders. But first let me share with you This product's build up .This Cream is of light pink colour with thick consistency and does require water or milk infusion to get fully absorbed into the skin. In case you were thinking you can use it without water or milk like a normal moisturizer then answer is Big NO.This requires water or milk for complete application. This product has a very mild fragrance which is Combined force of Rose , Orange and Ashwagandha I believe .But is fades away during its application process itself .

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

From Quantity perspective ..It takes just a pea or even less than pea size to cover entire face. Being thickest in consistency , I would like to recommend you to take as little as you can to start with as it spreads quickly when infused with water or milk .

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

And Now Coming back to my experience , I took a small amount as directed and used water to massage it over the face ( as being a lazy person i felt water is  more convenient than milk). Within moments of massaging it started getting absorbed into the skin and soon vanished from the surface leaving my skin Moisturized and nurtured . And after this process completion ,I was taken by a huge surprise  that made my jaws dropped .And the surprise was immediate Non Greasy Shine and glow on my face and on top of it , i could feel my skin's colour getting slightly lighter .I couldn't believe the fact that my skin was glowing and has a minor fairness to it. I mean how many of you could actually rely and believe on first time application results ?? I believe only 1% would agree to it .But guys now i am among that 1% population as i saw the difference , not only saw but experienced it myself.

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

Views and Reviews By RajVInder

With just very first application i could see visible shine and slightest lightening in colour of my skin . I must confess i didn't expect anything of this sort from a brand that too i am using for the first time. But the very first result of Juvena's creation made me go gaga over their range of products . And that is the reason after this product i am getting excited to try out their other products as well.Whose reviews will up soon within coming weeks or so.

To Conclude if you wish to experience what i have just shared , than stop thinking and rush to Juvena Herbals to order this for yourself. Views and Reviews By RajVinder Rates Juvena's Orange Honey all purpose Massage Cream 4.2/5 . .2 points are being deducted due to availability issues ..Apart from this Don't wait and get one for yourself .


  1. your hand looks visibly fairer
    do put pictures of the back side of products too so that we can get moreinfo abt them


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