Lets Sail through Memories this Summer with Paper Boat

Memories !!! We all have memories Isn't ? Soar or Sweet , Happy or Sad but we have blend of Both . Some memories might be related to a person or some might relates to an object. Some takes us down the road and make us lost , where in some memories may have given us courage to move ahead .We cannot classify a memory positive or negative as it is as similar to the archival system of Computer ,No matter what have you done or what your are about to do, memories takes shape itself and gets archived back in our mind.

In today's Busy lifestyle where we all are busy in making our life meaning full by getting our self surrounded by all the existing luxuries , Do we ever get a chance to recall those memories which are left behind ??I believe NO. But has any one noticed during Monsoon , When rain starts pouring in , we all end up  thinking  of  the past , Why so ? Because  I believe Rain is the only time where no matter how busy you are , You will get attracted towards Nature. This attraction of Natural peace and beauty diversifies your mind and takes you down to the road of memory line, and No matter how bad or good memory it is , You will get lost in it for that very Moment.

So to walk through our memories all we need is Blissful Calm environment that brings one close to self and then it leads to self analyses followed by  one's Treasured memories. So what if we can get a Drink that not only fulfill our thirst , Soothes our Taste buds and  also takes us through roller coaster ride of memories ?? Not believing It ? Ok Then Here I take the opportunity to Introduce you all with a brand whose name has a common memory as us and it will definitely take you to one of sweetest memories of our lives ." PaperBoat " Yes !! I am confident each one you must have started recalling those cute little paper boat that we all must had created during our childhood . And Some of us even must have tried to float it in those ponds that in adulthood we call a mess :P . Smiling aren't you ??

So lets get to know This memory infuser Brand "PaperBoat "

About The Brand

"Paper Boat "is a brand of Hector Beverages Who Supplies Simple , Natural , Unadulterated Drinks that Promises Familiar Taste of Older times in a Contemporary and Accessible  Format  .

"Paper Boat " Drinks  Represents tasty and healthy recipes of simple drinks that are perfect after a game of hopscotch or a splash in the rainwater puddle .

Why Hector Beverages Chose The Name "Paper Boat"

Brand Paper boat is Simple and fun, just like the paper boats we launched as kids. Inspired from a well known Indian song “Wo kagaz ki kashti” Design: For differentiation & authenticity, standee pouches in a substrate that looks & feels like paper were chosen. The packaging reflects simplicity and purity of the drink inside. Flat colours, simple shapes and a pack language reminiscent of the childhood landscape, all contribute to the delightful nostalgia that the brand is all about.

Product In Focus 

I came across this Brand few months back when my Mom took me to Grocery shopping . During our Shopping list walk i came across "Paper Boat "Drinks shelf and couldn't resist self from trying its out . Being a Foodie and Choosy at the same time I always go for quality ,quantity and Presentation of a product and Paper Boat attracted me in all these aspects .Hence i got my self few to taste and today here am i Sharing my experiences about Paper Boat Drinks .

" Paper Boat " at present has 10 Variants of Drinks that brings you close to our Indian Traditional Taste who has lost their charm in today's era due to busy life style and lack of Traditional outreach .I personally fell in love with Paper Boat due to this , as being a Delhi born and brought up i never got the chance to live in traditional atmosphere with access to natural resources and recipes .But Thanks to "Paper Boat " Now realize  how our Indian traditional drinks are far ahead soothing and healthy in comparison with prevailing adulterated  drinks in the market .

Paper Boat Drinks :-

  • Chilled Rasam 
  • Sattu Drink
  • Ginger Lemon Tea
  • Tulsi tea
  • Aamras
  • Jaljeera
  • Kokum
  • Jamun Kala Khatta 
  • Aam Panna
  • Golgappe
Quantity :- 250ML

Price :- Rs.30/- Each 

Available at :- All leading stores across India and also at Click Here

In the images you are seeing these beauties from Paper Boat ,Poured in these Beautifully crafted and curated paper bottles which are delightful to the eyes and weightless to hold. These Beautiful bottles are made of a Four part laminate , Feeling Skeptical ??

Yeah i also felt the same , As i wondered how goodness of these drinks cannot be compromised with quality of this think packs . But After experiencing  this pack of goodness I am relieved. As these packs are made of Four part laminate . First three helps the pack to resist heat and pressure , and the final inner most layer is made of virgin grade  that keeps contents fresh , safe and Tasty .

A little bit about each Variant :-

Paper Boat Rassam 

What Brand has to Say " Rasam, a preparation as delicious as its phonetics. An essential suffix to every south Indian meal, Rasam is quite simply put, mesmerizing. That's why we came up with Chilled Rasam. And we know, Rasam is meant to be had hot. That's what we thought as well. Then we tried it chilled. This opened up a whole new world for us. This spicy tomato drink is a lot more than it lets on. Add the word, 'cocktail' to the mix and you have your very own Subcontinental-Condimental-Bloody-Mary (working title). Bottom's up! "


Coriander, Cumin , Lal Mirch , Asafoetida , Salt and Tomato .

Benefits :- helps improving Digestion and blood Functions 

My Take

Rasam , No offence but i bought this Drink thinking of  Hindi Word "Rasam" which means  Rituals :P , Being a Typical North Indian that too Punjabi I never heard about Rasam being a Drink . But Thanks to Paper boat I am introduced to this drink which is integral part of our South Indian cuisine. In Tamil Rasam means "Juice "And now i realize why Paper Boat has infused Rasam in their range .

This drink is of dark brown colour with thick consistency , and has tangy taste to it .I personally love to drink it when it is extremely chilled ,as personally i consider this Drink Chilled form of Tomato Soup . This Drink From Paper Boat infused with digestive properties is surely worth a try. . 

Ginger Lemon Tea 

What Brand has to Say "Darjeeling tea is not your average tea. It's called the 'Champagne of Teas' for a reason. It's fruity demeanour, light in its essence, is one of the most distinct and sought after flavours on the planet. Fancy words aside, Darjeeling Tea *is* special. Other than being the first Indian product to receive the GI (Geographical Indication) tag, meaning only it is permitted to be grown in Darjeeling. So you can bet your uh, essence that a lot of care goes into plucking and sorting it. Then packing and blending it. Then brewing and serving it. Oh, and did we mention that it's brewed with ginger and lemon? Well it's in the name so no surprise there. The aftertaste alone is worth a whole conversation on its own. Wait. This actually would've been a surprise" 

Ingredients :- 

Ginger, Some lemon Grass , Black tea leaves and lemon juice 


Boosts Immunity
Prevents Bad Breath problems
Regulates Blood flow
Combats Motion Sickness

My Take 

Now a days thanks to lots of advertisements we are witnessing a rage of  flavored tea.Earlier i was not a tea person , but after tasting few of flavored ones ohh Boy !!! Now i cant even think a day without drinking one. Tea not only revives us , but refreshes us as well.Being blessed with antioxidant properties it boosts our immune system . It is said tea is taken best without milk and sugar as it lowers antioxidant properties and makes it more acidic ,that is the reason my tea at home is made by me only :P as all other mates prefer their tea infused with sugar and milk .

But may be this is the reason i started exploring flavored drinks and in that exploration came across Paper Boat's Ginger lemon Tea . This Ginger lemon tea is one of its kind as it is consumed when it is chilled which is totally opposite of what we have seen till now at our homes .But as i said in terms of tea i am experimental and that is the reason i tried it. This tea has Light lemon colour  ,with not too much bolder taste like a normal ginger tea has , It doesn't have tartness and its sweetness is normal .

I liked this tea to a certain extent and would suggest to try out to all those tea lover like me who loves to experience new taste .

Tulsi tea 

What Brand has to Say " A leaf as medicinal as it is sacred, Tulsi is mainstay in North Indian courtyards and film sets that intend to show North Indian courtyards. Hot Tulsi preparations are often had for their health many health benefits. Our Tulsi Tea is confluence of the North and the East. The glory of Darjeeling tea coupled with the subtle musings of Tulsi. They complement each other very well. Sometimes, Darjeeling Tea is all "Hey Tulsi, you are a flavour" and Tulsi's all "Hey you are a nice tea." All great relationships are based on compliments."

Ingredients :- 

Tulsi Leaves , Black Tea Leaves , Lemon

Benefits :-

Has anti bacterial and anti fungal  properties
Helpful in removal of free radical and prevent heart ailments
Provieds aid in capillary function and control blood pressure

My Take 

Tulsi Being a flavor of our Indian culture and being blessed with various healing factors is one of the top most sought after variant which is used in almost every segment .Thought i heard of it but I never tasted it frankly speaking .And for the first time i have tried this flavour all credit goes to Paper Boat.

This Drink's colour is bit darker as compared to ginger lemon tea and has a very mild flavour and fragrance of tulsi in it .I personally felt very much refreshed and awaken after drinking this Tea , and now this tea has taken over my green tea liking :P 

A sure shot recommendation to people out there to try it . 


What Brand has to Say "The pre-vacation between your actual summer vacation and the last day of the final exams.The buffer time it took for your teachers to grade you, to graduate you into another class. That was the window of The Kairi. There was something poetic about raw, unfledged mangoes enticing our fully formed taste buds. Like it was another fruit altogether. Mixed with spices, mint and served cold, almost inversely to the soaring temperatures outside. You gushed it down in a single gulp. But the moment lingered forever."

Ingredients :- 

Citric acid, pectin, anti oxidant and nature identical flavouring with green mango and lemon infused with Common Salt, Black Salt Black Pepper, Cumin powder and amchur powder 

Benefits :- 

Improves Digestion 
prevents gastrointestinal disorders

My Take 

I just love love love this flavour , In these brutal summers this drink is must for me . Paper Boat has brilliantly balanced it with sweet and tangy flavour of raw mango infused with spices.I drink Aam panna every day now a days and after having this paper Boat Aam panna i asked my mom not to make Aam Panna at home as now we have a sviour whose Aam panna is as natural and hygienic as home made ones and is easily available where ever we go or where we are .A Must try to all , you will just love it and wont regret it :).


What Brand has to Say "A hot summer day is magnified tenfold in India. The sun, once a trusted ally, is now a vengeful god charring its antlike populace. Don’t worry he’ll calm down in a while. But till he does, what respite does a mortal have against the might of distant nuclear fusion of a main-sequence star that constantly turns hydrogen into helium*? The answer descends from the heavens in the form of Jaljeera - The perfect infusion of cumin, lemon juice, black pepper and rock salt that functions both as an electrolyte AND an appetizer. Perfect for those summer days, those heavy meals, those elaborate family functions... Actually, you don’t need a reason to drink Jaljeera, you just need to be."

Ingredients :-

Citric Acid , natural and nature flavours , Lemon with Spices like Cumin powder,black pepper powder,ginger powder,black salt,common iodized salt,and amchur powder

Benefits :-

Helps in cleansing  vocal chords
Helps in weight loss
Clears Congestion and combats nausea.

My take 

Jaljeera is My Mom's all time favorite drink ,No matter how busy she is , or How tired she feels . She will surely takeout some time to make this appetizer and make us drink it, And when i saw this Jaljeers i thought of buying it for her , and you know what ? She just loved it . She says This Jaljeera is perfect infusion of Black Pepper , Lemon juice and Cumin .In Our relatives my mom is famous in making this delicious heavenly drink and after tasting paper boat's jaljeera , all she has to say is "Keep up the Good Work :D "

GolGappe ka Pani

What Brand has to Say Nothing makes you stop in your tracks in a harried evening like the sight of a Golgappewala (Or Panipuriwala. Or Phuchkawala. Or Patashewala. The list goes on.) The very thought of a Golgappa can make you salivate like you did the first time to had one. You couldn’t believe yourself. You couldn’t believe that they could make food taste like this. But they did. And we bring you the same Golgappe ka Pani. Well, minus the aftermath of the gastrointestinal horrors that you might or might not have faced."

Ingredients :-

Citric Acid, Common Salt , Black Salt , Tamarind and lemon withCumin powder,ginger powder,
lal mirchi powder,pepper black powder,coriander powder,ajowan,amchur powder,black and common salt

Benefits :- 

immunity booster
Digestive aid
Contains VItamin A and E , Copper , Iron and Potassium .

My Take 

Now this is something that grabbed my attention , I mean what ?? Really Golgappe ka Paani in terms of drink ? How ? When ? I mean women community  just goes crazy after seeing a golgappa vendor then how come this left aside from our eyes ? You wont believe after seeing this i couldn't control my excitement and instantly opened it :P and with its first drop in my mouth , I was like woaaaaaaaaaa !!!! i went crazy for it .Being a big time golgappa fan and at the same time hygiene conscious, This Drink just took my heart away .Even my mom loved it too :D

A great Drink you are missing out guys ...Rush and experience this beauty yourself :D 


What Brand has to Say " A berry belonging to the mangosteen family and largely indigenous to the western ghats, Kokum is a specific affair. Seemingly made exclusively for the South Asian palate (it grows nowhere else in the world!), Kokum, with its unique zest, is certainly a taste to reckon with. And eventually accept defeat to. (Yeah, it's that good)
And the sherbet made from Kokum berries, a hint of cardamom, cumin and sugarcane extract has been described as the reason why Ratna fell and decided to name an entire district after the incident. But Ratnagiri's dubious nomenclature aside, Kokum is a relaxant, an anti-oxidant and an appetizer. So when you treat yourself to Kokum, Kokum treats you back."

Ingredients :-

Kokum , Lemon and salt,cumin powder,amchur powder,ginger powder,black pepper powder,lal mirchi powder,black salt

Benefits :-

Helps in lowering cholesterol
anti-oxidant, anti-glaucoma, anti-ulcer, anti-fever, 
anti-allergic, anti-bacterial 

My Take 

Again a Platter from Our beloved South India .Again something new to me ,But impressed me through its core.To me its replica of Shikanji with Negligible fragrance But tastes awesome :)

Jamun Kala Khatta 

What Brand has to Say "Jamun Kala Khatta is not quite the Kala Khatta (of chemical Gola stain fame) you grew up with... A paradox of sorts, this Kala Khatta, dark purple and not black, dates all the way back to the year 100 AD. Made at the peak of civilization, this drink was called Raga. And those who had it, described it as music for the taste buds. (They also described actual music as fragrance for the ear.)'

Ingredients :-

Jamun , Lemon, citric Acid, natural and nature-identical flavoring substancess with Cumin powder,black pepper powder,black salt,common iodized salt,

Benefits :-

anti-diabetic, pro-digestive and skin-clearing 
helps to cure anaemia and kill fatigue
improve eyesight

My Take 

I am Big time Jamun lover .I wait for summers every year just to have these frankly speaking.Every summer we buy boxes of it and keep it in fridge and consume these every evening in chilled condition as these tastes awesome when chilled . After tasting Paper Boat's Jamun Kala Khatta , i went in the past and recalled my school days when every day i used to have that snow ball (Brafa ka Golla ) in this kala khatta flavour and mom used to  warn me as she wanted me to have it at home or someplace where it is prepared hygienically, But as a child how understands this ? :P  So to all those worrying moms out there Here your personal kala khatta jamun that tastes as original does , Same salted Jamun . 

Again a Must try for people out there.

Over all if i have to rate Paper Boat Drinks i would rate them 5/5 because these Drinks are natural with zero preservatives and no artificial flavours .These healthy Drinks are must to try out as these not only reminds us of the times we had as a child but also brings us closer to our original Indian flavours which has many unsaid health benefits which could  facilitate healthy living in today's busy lifestyle without much ado or efforts of making these drinks at home .


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