"Being Juliet " For all those Pretty Juliet's Out There :)

I just Love “Monsoon”  as this is one of those treasured seasons that creates  a Musical Saga of blissful memories  .It  Brings out a child in us who loves to explore and wonder about Nature. Chirping of Birds , Breathtaking fragrance of wet soil , Feeling those drops falling upon us is an experience that brings our mind in a peaceful state and lead us  towards getting lost in mesmerizing Beauty of Mother Nature .

Its saying that “Sounds of rain needs no translation “True, So as Falling in love and first ever heart boggling feel has no translation. May be that is the reason beauty of rain brings in feeling of Love as they both are supposed to be felt rather than expressed.

Love is all about feeling loved isn’t? But to feel love do we need another person to make us realize how lovable we are? Is loving our self solely depends on another person’s perception? I would say a Big No. Being in love with self is all what matters, and when you fell in love with self, You will tend to get various opportunities where in your inner self would be thankful to you, and to lead this statement here I present a revolutionary concept which is dedicated to all independent ladies out there who just love to love self and get pampered.

Like love and rain we all have those days where in we feel a lot but that feeling of ours can never be expressed in front of any one. So Here I take the opportunity to introduce all my lovelies to a door that opens to make those misery days blissful.

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

“Being Juliet “on hearing this we all must have planted a beautiful looking pretty face in our minds isn’t? But here “Being Juliet” has nothing to do with pretty face. It all about loves self. We don’t necessarily need a Romeo to fall in love with us. At first all we need to is to respect our self love our self then only we can look into the world and expect them to love us back.
Hence “Being Juliet” is a Platform that makes one realize how beautiful one is even in those painful days of the month, where words are unspoken but soul cribbing pain is all what circulates in one’s mind.

About The Brand

Today we are witnessing rave of subscription services/Bags. Where in each month respective provider sends in a bag/box of sample size products ranging from makeup and skin care to their customers .That allows freedom to consumers who can try before their buy .And yes these subscription boxes/bags has proved to be successful as of now .However till now these subscription packages are limited only to makeup and skin care products.

 But what about others requirements of a girl / Women? Has anyone ever gave a thought about it ?
I guess NO and that’s why finally we have a life savior Naming “Being Juliet”, which is willing to understand each and every woman’s requirement .And irrespective of busy and hectic schedule in life is willing to give her a relief from a panicked and forced shopping spree during those days of a month.

'Being Juliet’(http://beingjuliet.com/) is for all females, who want to pamper themselves during those painful days of the month .and Team ‘Being Juliet’ will send you your monthly supplies 5 days prior to your cycle to ensure you don’t have to look for last minute trips

What’s more, in each pack, you can customize your selection of 20 pads/tampons/panty liners (Take your size depending on flow) & to lift your mood with each pack we send you few thoughtful gifts & other goodies every month, month on month, 5 days prior to your cycle at your door steps!!

Product in Focus 

"Being Juliet" is a Monthly Subscription based website  specially curated and crafted by keeping in mind a women's requirement on those traumatic and Troublesome days , where her mood plays hide and seek within her and zeal to do normal tasks goes through a toll. Those speechless days of the month where even diamonds cant uplift her mood  "Being Juliet " is something that won't only help her cope with mood swings but will make her simply forget about those days , How ?? Read ahead please 

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

With Being Juliet all one has to do is register oneself at http://beingjuliet.com/ and after registration has to select 20 Items ( These 20 Items can vary from Pad, tampons & Pantry Liners ) with choice of brands . Currently Brands which Being Juliet caters with are :-
  • Whisper 
  • Stayfree
  • Sofy
  • Carefree
  • Ria
  • O.b.
After selection of these 20 Items , you will have the option of Customizing Subscription where in you will have to put in details :-
  • First day of Last Month's Period 
  • Duration of Period 
  • Frequency of Period
That's it!!! Now just enter your contact details and select mode of payment. And your package will get delivered  to you five days prior to your monthly Period start cycle , But that's not it "Being Juliet " Box will come with few surprises as well that will make you swear by it for sure :)

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

At Present "Being Juliet" Offers 3 types of  Subscriptions :-

3 Months Subscription . Rs .1650/-

6 Months Subscription  .Rs . 3300/-

1 year Subscription .Rs.6600/- 

Over all for Each Month one is paying Rs .550/- per box and getting a box of necessity with a bunch of luxuries worth Rs 1000/- 

My Experience 

I came across this concept of brilliance in the form of "Being Juliet " through social media , and it grabbed my attention quickly . Being in a job line where weeks passes  like seconds , I always end up doing last minute shopping . As I always forget when was the last time i  had this hollow nightmare that continued at a stretch , Resulting troublesome shopping spree that i hate the most .

But I believe I am not the only one who lives life like this , Today all the females whether working or Non working are going through hectic and busy lifestyle that results in forgetting about self and putting self into unavoidable situation like this , and then wondering why in this holly world i have to face this day that too today ..isn't ladies ? 

So Without thinking for a second after seeing 'Being Juliet' , I immediately grabbed my laptop and ordered a subscription for my self.

Order Placing Experience 

While going through "Being Juliet " website , i didn't come across any user interface related issue , as prescribed i selected 20 items , fed my monthly details with payment option and i was done for the day .

As I opted for COD mode of payment , Next day i received a confirmation call from their customer service team. I must admit their customer service team is very much pleasing , the lady who called me was very much courteous and verified all my details with patience at the same time answered my doubts too .

After verification call , Day before dispatch of my package i received an email consisting Theme of particular month with a list of luxurious thoughtful gifts that represents combination Theme + pain 
Relievers/Mood up-lifters  . I personally liked this part of the subscription where all the details of subscription were provided to me before hand .

And on the day of dispatch I received an Email and SMS consisting courier details of package .

Over all From the time of placing order to its receipt entire episode was a cake walk to me hence deserves 5/5 Ratings here , as it was hassle free and was at my own convenience.

"Being Juliet July Subscription Box "

As promised by "Being Juliet " Team I received my Being Juliet subscription box exactly 5 days prior to my cycle .This shows how  "Being Juliet "team pays attention to individual's requirements and without any delay provides what they have promised .

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

 I received July Month's Being Juliet subscription  box, With Rain Theme.I guess nothing could have amazed me as Rain But Being Juliet team managed to bring a huge smile on my face with theme based subscription box  prior to rain itself 

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

So as you can see I received Being Juliet's July subscription box beautifully crafted and filled with handpicked products just for me .

On opening the seal of this box i came across this white paper packaging that beautifully kept all the products intact with Being Juliet's logo .

On tearing the Seal i came across this shopping spree that tend to give me nightmares , But seeing them in Being Juliet's box gave me a breather sighhhh.

Views and Reviews by RajVinder

 And after keeping them aside here I saw a bunch of Goodies YAYYYY!!! yeah exotically this was my reaction when i saw these and my mom shouted saying what happened ?? from another room :P

All these beauties just took my heart away guys , Here is a list of products that received :-

  • Yellow Colored and Soft textured Rain Coat (Yesss !!! a rain coat :D)
  • Bud White's Mixed fruit One Pyramid tea bag ( Guys you will love it seriously )
  • Wiclenz hand Sanitizer
  • An Umbrella shaped pencil ( Reminded me of my school collections :D)
  • Candies ( Mom Loved it Totally :P)
  • INWI Intimate Wipes 
  • Hokey Pokey Ice Cream Voucher Worth Rs . 500/- ( I mean Woaaaaaaaa Really ???)
Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Yellow Colour Rain Coat
Yes You read it write , No mistakes . Your eyes are perfectly fine . Yess!!! these are the products that I received for just Rs. 550/- Per month 

Above is the picture of Rain coat which is knee length for me ,As i am blessed with 5'3" ,So you can guess about your length accordingly .For me this is the first time i am having a rain coat but My Mom , Ohh Boy she just loved it . She said in her times rain coats were so hard types but this one is so soft and comfortable , she strictly told me that if i am not willing to use it then she will be owner of it :P 

See Being Juliet Team you made a New fan here , My MOM :D

Here comes an Umbrella shaped pencil that i mentioned earlier , It is Soooo Cute and adorable . Totally going with Rain theme of the box . During my school days i was crazy for things like this , and today thanks to Team Being Juliet i recalled few memories after seeing this Cutie ;) And yes it writes very well as i already wrote my name with it :P

Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Umbrella shaped Pencil
I also received this Sea Green colored Wiclenz hand Sanitizer that has small blue colored particles in it with no fragrance . Its consistency is neither too thick nor too runny , I never heard of this brand till now but Thanks to google i get to know this brand is from Baroda Pharmaceutical Industries (BPI) Gujrat .
and as per this Brand "Wiclenz Hand Sanitizers are known for their Instant Germ Killing capabilities which keeps EVERYONE Clean, Hygienic & Germ Free. "  It is like an ordinary Sanitizer i would say but as Sanitizers are integral part of a women's handbag , So I am happy to get one for mine .

Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Wiclenz hand Sanitizer
"INWI Intimate Wipes "This is something i never tried personally but seems promising altogether . It is basically ideal for Ideal for Intimate Areas incl. Under Arms, Chest & Bikini Area and promises to leave skin refreshed and moisturized as it contains fruit extracts .

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INWI Intimate Wipes 
This package also brought me a handful of candies :) , Don't know when exactly I had candy like this, It has tangy flavor with bit of sweetness in it , I tasted one and kept others away so that i can eat these occasionally :P 

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Here is another Cutie that brought a BIG BIG smile on my face "BUD White's Mixed Fruits Pyramid Tea bag " :D

For the first time i saw a beautifully curated cattle shaped carton consisting a pyramid shaped tea bag in it. Gosh i just loved it . And thanks to Team Being Juliet i get to know that Premium tea's has health benefits as well. Being a natural antioxidant and an Organic product Bud White's tea is going to be a great pain reliever during that first day of cyclone within us .

Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Views and Reviews by RajVinder
BUD White's Tea Pyramid 

And at the end Here comes a surprise that  made my jaws dropped  "Hokey Pokey Ice Cream Voucher " That too worth Rs .500/- . Can you believe it guys in Just Rs .550/- PM Tension of going to this forced shopping has ended , I received a bunch of awesome products including a rain coat, tea and candies and now Rs.500/- Ice cream what all do we need ?? 
Views and Reviews by RajVinder
Hokey Pokey Ice Cream Voucher

To Conclude i would Rank Being Juliet's Subscription services 5/5 , As for just Rs. 550/- In a month you are really getting things worth Rs. 1000/- That too without getting worried of your last moment preparations for the D Day 's Beginning , All you need to do is just click on Being Juliet and relax . Because like Other subscription Providers "Being Juliet" Does not have their own time lines or dates to circulate these boxes. These boxes are circulated on your requirement at your convenience to make you feel at ease and let you live your life without any hindrance .And in case you want to skip a month of subscription you can easily do that ...So what all you need ?

 Don't wait ladies !!! Get your self registered and take advantage of "Being Juliet " Subscription facilities you won't Regret it . Unlock the door of blissful journey with "Being Juliet "

A Special Mention :- After seeing this Review "Being Juliet" Team has decided to Provide Special Gifts to the ladies who will quote this "BJ196RF" to them while Subscribing Being Juliet Box.So Don't Wait dear , Rush to Being Juliet Now :)


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