Introducing "Cook Gourmet " A subscription that will transform your Kitchen

Hello My Lovely People,

How are you living in current weather? Enjoying it or cursing it ? May Be both. But personally I like this season …No! No! Don’t get panic; I am also human and understand what harshness this summer holds and showering upon us. But Personally I feel summer gives us more over a healthy lifestyle where in we can really turn 24 Hours a day into productive hours. During summers in -person I do wake up early at 8am and my day ends at 12 am, And during all these hours I try do something productive. Whatever new things I wish to learn, I always keep it for summers and try to learn it during this weather irrespective of Summer’s humid blessings.

So During this summer I decided to learn something that might seem normal to you guys but to me it is something that I never done before and Yes!!Trust me Even I don’t want to do at all, But with situation I believe it is a must for me  if we consider some emergencies :P And that something of mine is None other than “Cooking” :P. Yeah You heard it right !!!! Cooking !!! Now after reading this I believe many of aunty ji’s may be willing to slap me on this but yes it is True  that I don’t know how to make even a cup of tea till this age :P . My Mom always says that “Whatever you are enjoying at your father’s place, forget it you will be able to receive 1% of it at your would be Husband’s place “..This quote from my Mom is some sort of recording that always start snoozing when it comes to cooking :P .. But every time either I ran away or show myself as busy so that the snoozing stops: P  . But now I guess this snoozing has finally awakened me and now Thanks to the social media( My all time favorite Hobby :P ) I got to know a savior who has finally helped me overcome this laziness of cooking and encouraged me to learn this art with perfection and guidance that too at convenience of my Home..Need to know who?? Then read ahead.

About The Brand

Till Now after reading my Other blog Posts you guys must be aware that I am a big time social media lover. And I use this platform not only for chit chat but to learn and explore lifestyle , health and beauty segment . That is the reason I came across a brand during my latest research that changes my perception for cooking and made me realize that Cooking is an art from heart which if learned can turn your life into a different direction . So Here I take an opportunity to introduce you all with “Cook Gourmet “.
Views and Reviews By RajVinder

“Cook Gourmet “ is a brand that encourages cooking with a twist .Cook Gourmet is established to make Gourmet cooking fun by delivering original , step by step recipes along with pre-portioned ingredients for consumers to enjoy gourmet meals .

Cook Gourmet’s Vision is to make cooking simple and fun .That is why they say that “ All of us enjoy good food and always aspire to cook something special, but most of us rarely do. Have you ever stopped and wondered at what has been preventing you from doing so? Have you been through the torturous experience of searching half a dozen recipe websites, blogs and YouTube videos but still finding yourself unable select that special recipe which works for you? Or maybe you were too lazy/tired to go out and shop? Or even afraid that what you cook may not turn out well? 

Cook Gourmet is here to help; we take care of everything right from helping you select a recipe to delivering its fresh ingredients fully pre-processed to minimize cooking time and effort, right at your doorstep. All you have to do is just spend a bit of your precious time cooking our exotic, and you’re ready to brag about your culinary skills to your friends and loved ones and have them marvel at the wonderful food you cook!”

Product is Focus

“Cook Gourmet Recipe Boxes “ Are the Boxes that contains ingredients required for preparing a specific recipe available on Cook Gourmet  Website . Each Week Cook Gourmet team brings a New Menu for their consumers Both Vegetarian and Non- Vegetarian Cuisine. On referring these cuisine’s one can choose a particular recipe and can place order for it. This Cook Gourmet Recipe Box will have A to Z ingredients required to make that recipe. From vegetables to oils it will consist everything and will also have detailed recipe guide that includes each and every step required to make that recipe. 

Cook Gourmet team provides on daily basis from Tuesday to Sunday three delivery slots :-

Morning : 11 am to 1 pm
Afternoon : 3 pm to 5 pm
Evening : 7pm to 8:30pm

An orders can be placed till the beginning of delivery slot, for instance one  can place a order by 7 pm for the evening slot.

Once a consumer receive their magic box, they can easily refrigerate them for 3-4 days in case consumer is not planning to cook on the same day.

Cook Gourmet  Currently deliver in Gurgaon, Delhi and Noida. 

Available at :- Click Here

Price and Quantity: - Price for Vegetarian Cuisine starts at Rs .149/- Per Portion

                               Whereas for Non Vegetarian Cuisine Price starts at Rs. 174/- Per Portion.

How Cook Gourmet Works:-

My Experience

As I said , I am a big time lazy when it comes to Cooking , I never cooked till now and don’t even know how to make a cup of tea Properly .My Mom always barges me and taunts me due to this incapability and I always end up  listening  and avoiding  :P. Though with time I started giving it a thought that one day I will learn cooking , or at least before six months of my marriage :P Don’t get excited about my marriage here, When I said marriage I meant  whenever it would be on cards to be specific :P .

This thought of mine however now has blown away when I came across “Cook Gourmet “Thanks to social media of course. Recently when I was looking for various subscriptions Box’s I came across this name aka “Cook Gourmet”. At first I thought it is another Subscription box service but soon my perception was changed. I clicked on their site and soon got to know what Cook Gourmet is all about. Seeing their menu list for that particular  week tempted me so much that I ended up placing an order for myself without even thinking that I am a non Cook person .  Personally I felt a sense of charm that their website beholds.. Everything is so clearly interpreted and presented that even a Lazy look like me will be encouraged and tempted to try and cook their cuisine and that is the reason I also Ended up buying a cuisine and Thought of giving a shot to my Unskilled and un-brushed cooking skills which  are not at all present in me :P Sighhh

So when it comes to order placing experience at Cook Gourmet Website, It is very much simple . All one has to do is choose a recipe from their menu , Add respective number of portions like 2, 4 ,6 etc and place order by paying through online mode or COD. Best Part They Don’t Charge delivery Charges :D , Isn’t Great ? So No matter how much your order will cost it will come to you without any additional delivery charges or COD charges.

So Coming back to my Order I placed my order for “ Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges “  2 Portions and Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice “ 2 portions . I placed This Order on Monday but due to some urgencies I asked them to deliver it on Saturday and you know what ? They were so kind and polite enough to accommodate my request and within minutes they scheduled that order for Saturday. So ON Saturday this order was scheduled to be delivered to me in 11 am to 1pm Slot. And you know what I received  this order of mine on time ,so with this you can guess how professional and caring Cook Gourmet team is when it comes to treating their customers and meeting their expectations . One More thing I want to highlight here is about  the Delivery Person, Please pardon me for forgetting his Name at this moment , but that guy was so Humbled and polite that while acknowledging me He said “Namaskar Madam Ji” . I mean yeah it is Normal for us but his Namaskar madam ji and the way he handed me my order was something beyond words. I mean generally we don’t expect this much from company’s delivery persons , they just come and go like a robot , But this guy deserves a quick Well Done Tag  infused with a Big Thank you from my end, As he truly within these few moments of interaction managed to build a positive reputation of Cook Gourmet team in front of me . As personally I believe that a person carries a brand name with him/her , and the way he/she carries it ;shows  how valuable the brand is and how lovable and unconditionally loaded brand Person’s are .

 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 

 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Apart from this , In terms of Order you guys can view the pictures and see yourself , How Cook Gourmet team has crafted their  Magic box with so much detail, This Brown Colour Carton Boxes contains cooking treasures  infused with minute details. Which represents their love , passion for their brand & product and moreover their heartwarming customer service approach towards their consumers .I mean since the time of receiving to opening these Boxes, a big smile on my face didn’t leave me even for a second. All items were bifurcated with Name tags neatly, and were beautifully packed with care where in items requires refrigeration were packed in One package and other Non refrigerated items like oils , peppers etc were packed in different bag with  utmost care and most importantly hygiene. So for all those who are hygiene conscious here is something that suites your needs and desires.  I Personally fell in love with these Boxes as though I placed my order but wasn’t expecting this much to be true . I was skeptical and moreover I was ready to face a defeat in terms of my cooking results..But after seeing their magic box …this thought of defeat just vanished in thin air and in excitement I entered into my kitchen within 15 Minutes and My Mom’s reaction :P  I guess her jaws were dropped seeing me entering the kitchen which was obvious I believe: P .

Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice

 So With Their beautiful ingredients and step by step guide I started preparing “ChickPea and Veggie Burgers with Garlic Aioli and Potato Wedges “ And “Kerala Exotic vegetable stew with Basmati Rice” and results were ….  I was More than happy and surprised after seeing my hand made food and My mom .. Well she controlled her Crying … She couldn’t believe that I cooked all this on my own. I mean Our expressions were over the top .. Cook Gourmet team !!!… Guys you are savior …You turned a person like me into cooking and made it so simple that not only impressed me  but to be true gave my Mother a confidence that her daughter can cook at last.. I could see a sense of relief in her eyes after seeing me preparing both the dishes effortlessly.

 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 

 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
 Chickpea & Veggie Burgers with garlic Aioli and Potato wedges 
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice
Kerala Exotic vegetable Stew with Basmati Rice

 To Conclude if you love cooking , or are a foodie like me who loves food but feels lazy to cook, or even afraid .. Worry Not !! We have “Cook Gourmet “ Now …Who is there as a companion , a best friend or it won’t be wrong saying a Mentor …who stays with us in all the hardships of cooking and encourages us to cook effortlessly  with its superior quality products and marvelous recipes .  Now if I have to give a tagline to Cook Gourmet that would be “Any Body can Cook” irrespective of age or time crunch issues .Cook Gourmet to me is an inspirational and motivational revolution in terms of Cooking , If it can saw a seed of cooking in me then guys Trust me …it can do it with you to .. All you have to do is rush to Cook Gourmet, Order one box for self and feel the difference.. You would be into a different world after trying this tempting box full of magical ingredients .In Terms of rating, I would Rate Cook Gourmet 6/5 ..Yes you read it correct I am rating this Website 6 out of 5 as it is 101% Worth an experience that awaits your arrival .


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