NewU turns 10 Celebrations and New Launches Review

Hey all ,

It's been a while since I have posted anything or reviewed about.But today is the day where a celebration has made me to write about, and this celebration is of a brand who has not only won millions of heart but also has made a remarkable place in this fast pacing market .So the brand I am talking about is none other than NewU who is celebrating 10 years of it's inception.

With this blog post I take the opportunity to Congratulate NewU and team on their splendid 10 years completion and wish them many more such successes ahead.On this vary day NewU has given me the privilege to be the part of their celebrations and introduced me to this beautiful hamper which consists few of their New launches.

For you all I am putting individual pictures of these new launches followed by mini reviews.

So the first product I am excited about is none other than NewU Body Mists. Personally no offense to anyone here but I am not a Body Mist personally l like purchasing perfumes or Deodorants rather than body mists because of their longevity concern.I mean what is the purpose of spending your money on a product (Body Mists) whose fragrance will last only for an hour or so. It would be better to spend few more bucks on perfumes rather than buying a body mist.

But this perception of mine has changed since I started using NewU forever16 Body mist.On receipt of the same I just gave it a shot half heartily but I was taken by a huge surprise. Believe me guys I am not writing this because it is PR sample but this product just stole my heart .This Body mist has beautiful fruity fragrance that mesmerizes one's senses and in terms of longevity this lasted on me for 7+ hours without re-application. Yes !!!! you read it right 7+Hours output given to me by a Body Mist.I am not only shocked but feeling so happy that finally a genuine body mist is available in the market that gives value of a single penny spend on it :)

NewU has launched body mists in two variants

Forever 16 - This one has strong fruity fragrance.
Luscious Bloom  - This one has a subtle amount of fragrance not as stronge as forever16.

These are priced at Rs.399/- for 250ML product with shelf life of 36 Months :)

Next NewU launch is Jaquline USA timeout Nail Paint Remover. Now this product removes your nail paint in single stroke unless others available in the market which you generally keep on rubbing until you don't get the neat look. But with this product the case is very much different.One dip in it and you are good to go, neat nails in a single swipe!!!

This one is priced at Rs.125/- for 100ML product with shelf life of 36 Months.

 Next NewU I am going to talk about is these It's Skin face sheets.Nowadays every second brand is launching such sheets reason being these sheets gives immediate cleanup and polished look in just 10-15 minutes and in terms of range these varies from 100 to 500.Till now I have already tried Innisfree and Masker ones.Though every experience and outcome was good except the fact that on initial application the thick liquid in which these sheets are dipped used to give me a gross feel. No offense but i personally don't like thickness of concentrate in these sheets. But again It's Skin face sheets gave me freedom from this gross feel.

When I torn tea tree package and pull out the sheet, the concentrate was brilliantly consumed into the cotton sheet and was very light on the face. For the first time I used such sheet that would give my face a light application unlike earlier ones that used to soak my face in that thick concentrate and made me feel like freak :P . Overall after results of these sheets justifies their statements and for me the best part is their light weight formulation.Kudos !!! to the brand for bringing differentiation in the market of sheets with their light weight formulation and application.I am very happy with these sheets trust me :)

These sheets are for Rs.100/- Each

Apart from Body Mists and Mask sheets , NewU also sent me their Jaquline USA Nail Treatments and two Nail paints. I am already a big fan of their Base Coat product that has improvised my yellow nail condition to the greater extent. I am very much positive about this Ridge filler and Instant Nail hardener as well because this range is something which has impressed every single soul in the market including me.

Regarding Jaquline USA Nail Enamels I would suggest you to apply two coats of it else one coat me start chipping not that badly but from your nail edges next day on wards. So if you will apply two coats of the same than this chip off thing won't bother you :)

Jaquilne USA Nail Treatment range is from Rs.249/- and Nail Enamels are for Rs.199/-

 Hope this review will be helpful to you guys, Don't forget to share your opinions and if any further clarifications are required feel free to connect with me.All the products are available at NewU stores near you and on their websites as well . Don't forget to checkout NewU stores for their ongoing offers and promotions :)


  1. all lovely products <3
    so nice to see you back n bloggin :)

  2. Wow... Newu has come up with sheet masks as well. It's good to see Indian brands also picking up the trend :)

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